InSite, June 2012

An inside look at Answers in Genesis

This month’s InSite brings you superpowers, awesomeness, and a not-so-secret identity.

Site Update: Search Superpowers

Late last year, we changed the way you search our site. And—just as we promised—we weren’t finished. You could say that we’ve stepped up our game even more.

First, we replaced our trusty—but aging—server (the computer that crunches the results and spits them out). Thanks to your support, we were able to upgrade the hardware. That means more RAM, a faster CPU, and some other nice-to-have features. But it’s not just about GHz and power; it’s about zippier performance so that the searches pop up almost instantly—even under heavy strain.

But with all this new power, we didn’t just want the speed to increase. We also wanted to make the searches better.

How? Well, that started with you. When you send feedback on our sites, we listen. The last time, we completely overhauled the search to address some common problems you were facing. And this time, we wanted to refine the search process even more.

To do that, our crafty developers got busy examining the best of what’s on the web and what people want from our site. Not surprisingly, most people want answers—and they want them to be easy to find.

So, that’s where we started. Behind the scenes, we optimized, tweaked, and tested to remove bottlenecks and to squash some faulty results that popped up on occasion. But what you’ll mainly notice is that we’ve added some convenient filtering options.

When you perform a search, you’ll still see some of the same major search categories you’ve gotten used to. Click one of those, however, and you’ll access our new search superpowers. Each category now has even more ways to filter for exactly what you want.

Looking for techie articles? Click, and you’ve got them. Want to whittle it down to just Answers magazine? One click, and that’s what you’ve got.

Finally, for you Creation Museum fans, we also built out a search engine specific for that site. With so much great content there, we want you to find it just as quickly.

As you probably know by now, we’re not done refining your search experience. Let us know what you think, and we’ll keep working.

Synchronized Sunday School

Answers Bible Curriculum is a full-featured, chronological, three-year Sunday school program. Its 156 lessons are synchronized across seven age groups from preschool to adults. Each group covers Genesis through Revelation and learns the same material—but at different levels of depth—empowering exciting and easy discussion for the entire family! Get ready for the revolution.

In Store: Awesomeness

Awesome Science

Awesome Science takes you on faith-affirming journey to sites like the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone National Park to examine fascinating geologic evidence for the Flood. The conclusion is easy—our world makes sense in light of God’s Word!

We at Answers in Genesis think science is pretty awesome. While that surprises some of our critics, it shouldn’t. After all, science is how we study the universe God created. Starting with that foundation and our trusty Bibles, you can see why we love microbes and meteors and muons.

So, any time we get the chance to feature a product that digs into science and stands on God’s Word, we certainly are glad to do so. When that product is fun for the entire family, all the better. And that’s exactly the case with the exciting new DVD series called Awesome Science.

In the series, you’ll join 14-year old host Noah Justice as he explores Meteor Crater and Petrified Forest, the Grand Canyon, and Yellowstone. In these 30-minute programs, you get up close with the evidence that the Bible can be trusted.

Awesome Science is a broadcast quality DVD series produced by a family that homeschools and works on the videos together. Kyle Justice, Noah’s dad, has produced videos that have appeared on various TV networks, including National Geographic, ESPN, and the Outdoor Channel. The quality content can be used in churches, schools, and homes.

You can see what we mean by checking out the video trailer on our online store. There’s also a YouTube channel featuring some clips from the DVDs, and a Facebook page with behind-the-scenes updates, bloopers, and more.

Grab the Awesome Science DVDs, and you’ll see what’s so great about exploring the world God made. Plus, you’ll have fun doing it.

Question of the Month

What’s the difference between Answers Update and Answers Weekly?

Several years ago, we sent out two newsletters with the same name: Answers Update. If you received either or both, the masthead at the top (and the format) made it clear what each one was. But the naming could get a bit confusing.

In 2007, we did some brand updating across AiG. From our logo to our award-winning website to the look of our materials, everything got a fresh coat of paint, and our newsletters were no exception. With the redesign, we took the chance to ease any confusion and renamed one of these newsletters Answers Weekly.

Now that you have some background, we’ll move on to what each one is—and how you can get them for free.

First, there’s Answers Update. This print newsletter hits mailboxes (real-world ones) each month. Really, it’s a mini-magazine that offers up timely feature articles, ministry updates, upcoming events, new resources, and other odds and ends. You’ll find the main articles in our web archives, but if you want the rest, you’ll have to request your free subscription on our website.

Then, there’s Answers Weekly. This weekly email pops into your inbox every Saturday. Basically, it serves as a digest of what’s happening on our website. While we hope you’re checking in with us each day, we know that’s not always possible. So, Answers Weekly gives you a quick overview of published articles, videos, blog posts, After Eden cartoons, jobs, events, new store items, and more (check the archive for samples). To get it, all you need to do is sign up.

(Have a question for InSite? Let us know! Be sure to mention that your question is intended for InSite.)

Did You Know?

Did you know that our Friday feedback articles continue to generate plenty of interest? We’ve dealt with hundreds of topics over the years—from dinosaurs to “zombies.” If you’ve missed any recently, these two have generated quite a bit of interest: The Creator of Plants (and everything else) vs. Zombies and Mr. Hostile.

About InSite

InSite is a monthly feature of Answers in Genesis that covers new features and content—as well as other useful tools and resources—on Written by the web team itself, InSite offers a bit of insight into the web philosophy and projects of the Answers in Genesis Internet Outreach department. Have a suggestion or other feedback about how our website works? Let us know! Miss out on last month’s edition of InSite? Take a look now!


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