Wild Family Visits Creation Museum

by Libby Wild

Our family is currently in Florida on home assignment after four years of serving in Asia Pacific. We have spent most of our 12 years overseas working as church planters among a remote and unreached tribe. After building a house in the jungle, and after a couple of years of learning the tribal language, we taught chronologically through the Bible, starting in Genesis through the death, burial, and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. By this time, many of our dear tribal friends understood their sinfulness and need for a savior and put their faith in the Lord. Since then we and the Ingles family, our partners, have continued teaching and discipling the believers through many books of the New Testament. The church is continuing to mature and is now sending out tribal Bible teachers to unreached hamlets in the tribe, and Mike is continuing the translation work of the New Testament in the tribal language.

Wild Family

Mike and Libby Wild serve unreached tribes in Asia Pacific with their sons (from left to right) Asher, Morgan, Hudson, and Kian.

Visiting the Creation Museum

One of the first things we did when we arrived in Florida was to make a trip to Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum in Northern Kentucky! We had visited the Creation Museum five years ago, but the Wild brothers were excited to see the new additions. We could have spent hours looking at Dr. Crawley’s insectorium. We quickly pointed out all the insects that were from our neck of the woods and ones we even have in our own collection! We had read the announcement of the new Allosaurus exhibit, so we were excited to see it in person. It was a beautiful exhibit and made us wonder what he actually looked like with skin on! Somehow Mike and the boys talked me into climbing up and trying out the zip line. If there weren’t so many people behind me, I think I would have changed my mind. I am so glad I didn’t because it was so much fun!

We were blown away by the many families who visited the Creation Museum that day to greet us and talk to us about The Wild Brothers DVDs. We were even able to answer questions in a special Q&A session (see video below). It was encouraging to hear that our DVDs and blog were making in a difference in the lives of children and families. Before we left, we were able to visit the Ark Encounter site and tour the Ark under construction. We were speechless as we took in the immensity of this project!

The Wild family answers questions from the audience at the Creation Museum.

Visiting the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter was a great way to start our time home in the States. We were so blessed by the team’s unity, solidarity in purpose, and love for the gospel of Jesus Christ that we experienced during our week at Answers in Genesis.

More Adventures

While we are home in the United States, we are spending time with our home church in Niceville, Florida. This is the church that discipled us long before Mike and I were married; they counseled us as a young married couple, loved our children, and sent us out as missionaries. We are also taking opportunities to share with other churches and small groups about our last term in the jungle. Morgan finds time to keep making videos, so stayed tune for the next episode of The Wild Brothers–Adventures in Creation. And even though we aren’t in the jungle, some things don’t change—with four boys, adventures never escape us! So we are still posting about all the fun things that we find ourselves doing in the States. Keep an eye on our Facebook page to learn more!


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