Answers in Genesis Releases Unique Twelve Stones Bible Curriculum for Christian Schools

Curriculum is available for Grades K–2; Grades 3–12 in development

on April 2, 2024

Editor’s note: This article was adapted from a news release that was recently distributed to the media.

The search for a single comprehensive Bible curriculum for Christian schools is over. Educators seeking a curriculum that incorporates both a biblical worldview and apologetics need look no further than Answers in Genesis’ new Twelve Stones Curriculum for Christian schools. This unique and comprehensive program is now available for Grades K–2, with grades 3-12 in development.

Twelve Stones Curriculum gives students a solid biblical foundation and clear understanding of their faith from Genesis to Revelation, while also equipping them to defend and proclaim the Word of God.

Gone are the days requiring multiple curricula to teach a comprehensive Bible education. Answers in Genesis’ new Twelve Stones Curriculum gives students a solid biblical foundation and clear understanding of their faith from Genesis to Revelation, while also equipping them to defend and proclaim the Word of God.

This rigorous, foundational Bible curriculum incorporates traditional educational topics—science, math, language arts, history and more—to show students how the Bible addresses all areas of life. Furthermore, it emphasizes critical thinking skills as students confront common misconceptions about what the Bible teaches and compare them to what the Bible actually teaches.

Answers in Genesis’ founder Ken Ham declares: “This new curriculum is desperately needed. Studies indicate that perhaps only 6% of Christian schools in the US teach with a full biblical worldview.” Ham adds: “Twelve Stones is not just another curriculum that teaches bits and pieces of the Bible. It’s a comprehensive worldview and apologetics curriculum.”

The name of the curriculum comes from Joshua chapter 4, where God told the people of Israel to take 12 stones and build a memorial to commemorate the miraculous crossing of the Jordan River. These stones were to be a reminder to future generations not to forget what God did.

The integration of the biblical worldview and apologetics offers a unique approach that seeks to fully prepare students to stand firm in their faith and engage with the culture around them.

The integration of the biblical worldview and apologetics offers a unique approach that seeks to fully prepare students to stand firm in their faith and engage with the culture around them. By upholding the authority of Scripture and applying it to controversial topics and current events, Twelve Stones equips students with the proper foundation and worldview for life.

This novel curriculum incorporates differentiated instruction with visuals, posters, activities and videos to engage all learners.

Twelve Stones Curriculum for grades K–2, Foundations, is now available, with grades 3–12 coming soon. Each grade level includes 160 days of instruction. Subscribe to AiG’s email list for updates about future grades or order K–2 now at

Answers in Genesis is the world’s leading apologetics ministry and operates two internationally popular Christian themed attractions—the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter. See,, and for more information.


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