Man Isn't Infallible?

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I was really excited that the "intelligent" science community is finally realizing that man's word is actually not infallible.

As I was reading your "Galaxy-Quasar ‘Connection’ Defies Explanation" article on the fallibility of using red-shifts as distance indicators, I was really excited that the "intelligent" science community is finally realizing that man's word is actually not infallible. I came across a similar story in the July 2002 edition of "Popular Mechanics" magazine on pg. 22. The article is titled "Physicists Reconsider Nature's Rule Book." The article states: "New information about subatomic particles from the sun has led scientists to question the Standard Model--the cornerstone of modern physics…" Wow! What a surprise. Man's word isn't 100% right! Keep up the great work AIG! You are such a great ministry!


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