Thanks for Filling the Gap

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Few evangelical churches have the nerve to address creation, and I now see that "parachurch" ministries like yours are doing the things the seminaries and churches should be doing, but aren't.

Dear AiG,

I have several comments for you:

First, I'm impressed with how thoughtful your materials are. My experience in the Christian community has been that careless thinking is typical, and your site and books are a welcome antidote to that. Christians need to stop believing that faith and reason are mutually exclusive.

Secondly, thanks for responding promptly and politely to my earlier e-mails. It is a rare thing for any organization to respond this way to constructive criticism, and you are a credit to the body of faith for so doing.

Thirdly, I was grateful we had the opportunity to hear Ken Ham at Glorieta (NM, USA) last summer, and examine AiG books and materials. It must be difficult for him to be away from his family like that, and I give all possible encouragement to them. It makes a big difference for us to be able to hear and read these things in person.

Finally, I have come to realize how much the AiG message is needed. Few evangelical churches have the nerve to address creation or other controversial issues, and I now see that "parachurch" ministries like yours are doing the things the seminaries and churches should be doing, but aren't.

Thanks for filling the gap!

In Christian love,

Neil Six


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