An artist’s depiction of the planets Earth and Theia before their theoretical collision
An artist’s depiction of the planets Earth and Theia before their theoretical collision

Rocky Remnants of a Catastrophic Collision?

Science News

on April 1, 2024
Featured in Answers Magazine

Evolutionists believe that about 4.5 billion years ago, a Mars-sized planet, called Theia, collided with the earth. Researchers from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have proposed that remnants of Theia still exist today as continent-sized zones of rock resting atop earth’s core.

Because seismic waves travel unusually slowly through these zones, geophysicists believe the rock there is denser than the rock of the earth’s mantle. Some scientists believe that these rocky zones are remnants of tectonic plates, but the research team from Caltech offers their own theory.

Using supercomputers, the team tracked the fallout from a simulated collision between the earth and a celestial body 10% as massive (Theia). Based on the simulations, the scientists concluded that a large part of Theia’s core was left on the earth and the dense molten material sank down to earth’s core, accumulating to form the supersize zones of rock we find today.

Simulations and theories aside, the true origin account is found in God’s Word. The rocky formations did result from a catastrophe, but not from a collision between the earth and Theia. They are actually preflood ocean floor slabs that were subducted (pushed under) during the catastrophic global flood. Because this occurred only 4,350 years ago, the slabs haven’t had time since to integrate into the mantle. In 1994, a team of creation scientists predicted these masses would be found—and they were indeed discovered in 1997.

Evolutionary scientists must appeal to unreliable simulations to reconcile their worldview with what we find in the world today. But we don’t need simulations to tell us where these stone slabs came from. We have a written record of earth’s history, found in Genesis.

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April–June 2024

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