What’s the Big Deal About ABC?

Hey, everyone!

Before joining Answers in Genesis as full-time speaker, writer, and curriculum specialist, I had the unique privilege of teaching Bible history in a public school for 13 years.

It was during that time that two distinct observations left an indelible mark on my life.

One, I saw firsthand that our nation is headed in the wrong direction. Don’t get me wrong; I loved my students (and still do), but it was clear after years of teaching that progressive generations knew less and less about the Bible and increasingly had a secular view of the world. Even though many of my students had a church background and claimed to be Christians, God’s Word was not the authority in their lives.

I witnessed the power of apologetics and chronological Bible teaching to effectively combat the secular onslaught on the biblical worldview.

Two—and this is vital—I witnessed the power of apologetics and chronological Bible teaching to effectively combat the secular onslaught on the biblical worldview. For all my students, believers and unbelievers alike, going through the Bible chronologically and giving them answers to their questions was revolutionary!

The Bible came alive. Many of them realized for the first time that the Bible—all of it—makes sense! Its history is rational, consistent, and confirmed by the evidence. The entire Bible is resolutely about one thing: the gospel of Jesus Christ. And they started recognizing that the Bible has one ultimate Author who is declaring the most important message in the world!

In summary, I noticed that teaching the Bible in this way did three powerful things.

  • It provided confidence for the believer whose faith may have been rattled by today’s skeptical questions.
  • It challenged the skeptic who had dismissed the Bible on the false pretense that it was irrational and untrustworthy.
  • It cleared a path for the gospel by demolishing the unbeliever’s baseless excuses—barriers erected to avoid confrontation with the truth of God’s Word.

Answers Bible Curriculum essentially does what I did in my classroom for 13 years, but at a deeper level!

When I joined Answers in Genesis as a speaker and writer, it was this experience that led me to become part of the ABC team as a curriculum specialist. You see, Answers Bible Curriculum essentially does what I did in my classroom for 13 years, but at a deeper level! It goes through the Bible chronologically, unveils the gospel all the way through biblical history, focuses on God as the hero, teaches relevant apologetics, and shows how to read the Bible exegetically! In a real sense, it is the ultimate weapon we have developed to war against today’s secular attacks.

And just think: if this teaching was dynamic in a secular-school setting, what would happen if we taught this way in our homes and churches? I believe we would see a revolution both inside and even outside the church!

This is why we are so excited about Answers Bible Curriculum and cannot wait to unveil ABC, 2nd Edition! You can see what’s new in ABC 2nd Edition and preorder or even try a free month at AnswersBibleCurriculum.com. If you have any questions, feel free to comment or post on my Facebook page.

We have seen God use ABC in an incredible way and cannot wait to see what He does through the new 2nd Edition!

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