The Gospel from the Beginning

In Sunday school class yesterday, we were discussing ways in which we would share the Gospel with someone. Everyone in the class knows I work for Answers in Genesis, so I’m sure they expected my answer, but I said I would start at the beginning. In the secular, “Greek” world we live in, people don’t really know what sin is, that they are a sinner, who Jesus Christ is, and why they need Him. So it really doesn’t make sense to start in the New Testament, because the people we are talking to don’t have the proper foundation.

I like to start with Creation, Adam and Eve, the first sin (which defines sin as disobedience to God), that we all descended from Adam and Eve so we are all sinners, the Ten Commandments (so people can see they have disobeyed God) and then talk about the saving work of Jesus Christ. The events in Genesis provide the foundation to understand the purpose of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. As you can see, I basically follow the 7 C’s—Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross, and Consummation. What an easy and great way to share the Gospel!

However, I will say that it is much easier for me to talk to an audience of 500 people about the Gospel then to share my faith one on one. I was preparing a devotional this week on John 4:1-30, which tells of Jesus’ interaction with a Samaritan woman. It really challenged me about the importance of sharing my faith in this way too. Jesus, in a very short period of time, built a relationship with this woman, confronted her with her sin, and answered questions she had concerning faith and worship. This provides a great model for us to follow in helping people come to a saving faith in Christ. It is my prayer that we all will take advantage of the opportunities we are given every day to do this.

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