True Woman Conference 2010—Indianapolis

Answers in Genesis is privileged this year to be sponsors and exhibitors at two of the True Woman Conferences. We had a great time in Chattanooga (see my previous blog posts—here, here, and here) and are looking forward to Indianapolis in September. There are already almost 4,000 women registered, and I encourage you to make plans to come. They have a lineup of great speakers that will equip and encourage you in God’s Word. We will have information on the Creation Museum, resources and information on our newest outreach Answers for Women (I will have some exciting information to share on this soon). We really want to showcase the importance of the message of biblical authority for women. As I shared in a previous blog:

As the mother of a six-year-old, I know the questions children ask can sometimes seem endless. Children are smart and want to know about the world around them. How do we as their mothers, Sunday school teachers, children’s program directors, etc. answer the questions they’re asking? Do we know how to answer questions like these?

■ Did God really create in six days?

■ Were we created in the image of God or the image of apes?

■ Did the Flood of Noah’s day really cover the whole world?

■ Can the Bible explain the origin of the people groups?

■ If there is a loving God, why do bad things happen?

Are we connecting God’s world to God’s Word? Are we teaching our children to give an answer (1 Peter 3:15)? The word answer in 1 Peter 3:15 in the original Greek is apologia. This means a defense—not just a simple reply—but a defense of the faith.

For more information, visit conference website. I hope to see you there.

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