Mommy, What College Will I Go To?

My six-year-old daughter recently asked me this question. I was relating to her about an incident that had occurred at a Christian college and how I was saddened by the event. She then wisely asked with a worried expression on her face, “Mommy, what college will I go to?” My answer was, “Honey, I really don’t know.” I am privileged to have graduated from a Christian college and taught at a Christian college for six years. But when I think about my daughter’s future and where I will send her to get a biblically based college education, I realize that if something doesn’t change soon, there will be very few—if any—choices in the future.

I do praise God for colleges like Northland International University, Cedarville University, Master’s College, Liberty University, Appalachian Bible College, and others that do take a stand on biblical authority and teach a literal, historical interpretation of the Genesis account of creation. However, I’m also aware from our research published in Already Gone that the next generation is disappearing from the church. I was saddened as I looked around my own church on Sunday and saw only a handful of couples in their 20s or 30s. If people in this age group are walking away from the church, who will preach in our pulpits and teach at our Christian colleges for the next generation?

If you are a parent reading this, or a teacher of children (whether at church or elsewhere), I encourage you to become equipped to stand on the authority of God’s Word to keep the next generation from being "already gone." After reading Already Gone, I had a real burden to teach the children in our church. This was not something easy that God asked of me; I’d much rather speak to a group of 100 adults than 10 five-year-olds! But I was willing, and God gave me the ability. A parent whose children I teach in the church recently shared with me how her eight-year-old daughter was instructing her five-year-old sister that marriage is only supposed to be between one man and one woman because that is what the Bible says! Praise God that these children are listening and applying what they’ve learned. Please take the opportunity to equip the children in your life today—because if you don’t, who will?

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