Answers for Women Webinar and Chat A Success!

Thank you to all the women (and a few men) who participated in the webinar and chat this past Tuesday. We had approximately 200 women from 17 states (even Hawaii) and two foreign countries (England and Germany). One lady in England said she stayed up until 2:00 AM to be able to watch the webinar! Several people enjoyed the morning webinar so much that they came back for the evening webinar (a repeat of the morning). We had a very active chat room with 35–55 people for the majority of the one hour chat time. It wasn’t easy keeping up with so many questions and comments. It was equivalent to carrying on 10 different conversations at the same time, so I guess it's good that women are multitaskers! Many women were thanking us and saying they had been blessed.

This is a comment I received on my Facebook fan page about the webinar:

The webinars were great and I mentioned the morning one to my husband and he wanted to watch it with me in the evening, so we watched again. One question though, the chats were very intensive and interesting, is there any way to get copies of the chats? A lot of terrific information came out in them.

The questions in the chat focused mainly on the topics discussed in the webinar, especially the roles of husbands and wives in marriage. It was obvious that the curse is still in effect, as many women struggle with either submitting to their husbands or husbands who are not spiritual leaders in the home. Other women were struggling in different ways—a past abortion, abuse, infertility, death of children, children with disabilities, and the list goes on. Although Eve (and Adam) left us with a legacy of sin and despair, we are not without hope! Through Eve came the Seed, the Savior, promised in Genesis 3:15, who redeemed mankind and will eventually rid the world of the curse forever. That is Eve’s most enduring legacy—one of hope and salvation through Jesus Christ. We’ll talk more about this in the webinar next week and discuss how to leave our own godly legacy.

My heart hurt for these women, who just like me must deal with sin and the struggles of living in a sin-cursed world. It is so exciting that Answers in Genesis now has an outreach ministry that is solely dedicated to providing women with answers based on the truth of God’s Word.

If you missed the webinar, don’t panic! You can purchase the DVD we are showing, Hope Amid Despair: The Legacy of Eve, in our online bookstore.

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