Five Years in Review

It’s hard for me to believe, but mid-June marked the beginning of my 6th year with Answers in Genesis. I guess I keep so busy that the time just seems to fly by. I thought it would be fun share just some of the things (in no particular order) that God has enabled me to do since coming to AiG.

  1. Travel to the Galapagos Islands—awesome!
  2. See a lot of the country and meet a lot of interesting people. I’ve traveled to and presented in many states like Montana (beautiful mountains), Tennessee (love Gatlinburg), Colorado, Kansas, Iowa, Georgia (my namesake!), etc. and even Canada (great food—especially the beef).
  3. Begin Answers for Women ministry to bring the message of biblical authority to women
  4. Do creation research in molecular biology/microbiology, publish research papers, and present at research conferences
  5. Begin Microbe Forum—a research group of creation microbiologists
  6. Assist with the exhibits for the Creation Museum and even design one! (and now helping with the Ark Encounter)
  7. Write and review numerous magazine and web articles
  8. Teach and help develop AiG’s online courses
  9. Present at many, many AiG conferences and the Creation Museum
  10. And the best and most important thing: bringing glory to Christ through God's use of me and the whole AiG ministry to bring the message of biblical authority to the church and the world, and seeing lives changed as a result.

Recently I had several people approach me after my weekly presentation in the Creation Museum to tell me how they never realized the foundational importance of Genesis to biblical authority, but now they do. The look on their faces and the emotion infused in their words is a great encouragement to me. It reminds me just how important this ministry is and how grateful I am to be a part of it.

2 Thessalonians 2:14 states, “to which He called you by our gospel, for the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.” That is what this ministry and my ministry is all about: to bring glory to Jesus Christ. I’m looking forward to the opportunities I’ll have over the next five years to do the same.

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