Middle Schoolers and Biblical Authority

Teri is a good friend who I met when we adopted our daughter from China. Her daughter and mine spent the first year of their life in the same orphanage, and we got to experience together the joy of seeing and holding our daughters for the first time in small room in China. We share a bond that has continued to grow over time. Teri has visited the museum several times, even once bringing an exchange student who was a Buddhist.

As she ministers in her church, she has had a strong desire to use AiG materials because she understands the importance of biblical authority. A few months ago, she was asked to teach junior high students, and I recommended several resources including It All Begins With Genesis. She sent me an email last week giving me an update now that she has begun teaching:

I started using the middle school curriculum from AiG 3 weeks ago and the kids LOVE it! I actually feel pressed for time because discussion is so lively...........but I know the entire 34 lessons will only cover Gen 1-11, so we'll hit it all eventually. It was also fun for me to go through the first 4 C's and two of the kids knew them! But the best part, is getting to see their excitement as we discover new things. . . . I am discovering this is the perfect age for me to teach these truths. . . . I love how this curriculum has been perfect so far.

The first week I made a cake with Genesis 1:27 and the earth. . . . The kids LOVED the discussion on who made/bought the cake, and I had one eyewitness (neighbor girl) who was able to say she was at my house and saw me make it. When we tied that into God being the eyewitness for creation, they were very attentive.

The cake Teri made for her class

I bought the younger one [Answers for Kids], though and am using some of the color handouts at the back just for some illustrations and discussion points. I love the one with a tree house and then a pile of wood. It was funny when I asked how many years would it take for the pile of wood to become the tree house. They all looked puzzled until someone said, "Um.......never?" Love these kids! They are thinkers.

So, I'm already wondering what do people usually teach after this?

What a great testimony about the excitement these kids have when learning the truth of God’s Word! I was glad to tell Teri that next year we will release our Sunday school curriculum called Answers Bible Curriculum, and I know she and I are looking forward to using this material with the young people in our churches.

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