Proclaiming the Faith in Branson

Last week, I had the opportunity to speak five times to the audiences at AiG’s Branson conference. I spoke four times to the women (in two identical women’s tracks) with the focus being human life. Specifically, I addressed the issues of the oneness of the human race and the value of human life. It really frustrates me in today’s culture to see a lot of Christians battling against the issues of racism and abortion on the basis of opinion. Some Christians will say there should be equality and we should value life because “all people are important no matter what ‘race’ or disabilities they have because they can contribute something good to society.”

While this may be a true statement, it should not be the basis by which we argue for the concept of one race and the value of life because they are nothing more than opinions. I shared with the ladies quotes from other people who have very different opinions.

Who’s opinion is right? I told them I didn’t care what their opinions were and that we need to be arguing for the concept of one race the value of life from the authority of God’s Word, not opinion! My presentations focused on equipping them to do just that. I’m thinking the topic of opinion vs. biblical authority would be great for a future presentation (hopefully next year!).

I also gave a keynote presentation to the whole group on the Galapagos Islands. It was so fun to relive the adventures from my trip last year. I was fearful that so many pictures and video clips might be tedious to watch, but I received several compliments and people said my enthusiasm made it exciting to listen to. One woman told me that her ten-year old daughter said it was her favorite presentation and that her daughter thought I would be good at teaching children. Now there’s something I don’t hear every day! As I often say, I’d rather teach a thousand adults than five five-year-olds because the children are scary (to me!). However, the times I have taught children, God has turned my inabilities into abilities for Him, and the children and myself have been blessed.

Another young conference-goer presented me with this note and some homemade chocolate biscotti. What an honor for me to have an impact on these young people’s lives!

It was great to have Chris and Elizabeth along, and we spent a few days vacationing before the conference. You can check my past Facebook posts for more details and pictures of the trip.

The beautiful Ozarks!

Chris and Elizabeth

We watched Joseph at Sight and Sound Theater. Amazing!

It’s good to be back in the office, and I’m hoping to start a new research project soon. I also plan on being back on my normal blog-writing schedule—yeah! By the way, if you read or see something interesting that you think would make a good blog, be sure to share it on my Facebook page. I’m always looking for good ideas.

Keep fighting the good fight of the faith!

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