Answers for Women Conference 2019 Recap: A Sweet Time

by Dr. Georgia Purdom on May 20, 2019

When people ask me what I thought of Sacred: Embracing God’s Design for Sexuality, I smile and say, “It was a sweet time.” I was so overwhelmed by the speakers and the conversations from attendees that it took me a couple weeks to process everything! God’s Spirit was evident, and he was at work in the lives of many.

I was encouraged as I met and heard of others who attended and were not Christians. These young women seemed to be genuinely seeking answers and searching for truth in the very dark and confused world that we live in. Please pray for them that God’s Spirit and Word will convict them and that they will come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. It’s so exciting to offer a conference that women who might never go to church will attend and hear the Gospel! During the conference, on Friday evening, June Hunt gave a gospel presentation at the end of her session, and we know of at least 11 women who received Christ. Praise God!

Sacred was the first conference to be held in the brand new Answers Center at the Ark Encounter. Despite the facility being opened only days before the conference, everything went smoothly with only a few hiccups. Many attendees commented how much they loved this new venue and we look forward to future conferences here!

When I looked at the feedback from attendees, the one topic that came up over and over was how the speakers and their presentations were so highly valued and appreciated. We always strive to have conferences that really delve into the Word of God, teach women apologetics, and equip them to give answers for their families, churches, and communities. I’m grateful that we have been able to accomplish that year after year.

Here’s just a small sample of what women had to say of this year’s conference:

Everyone is friendly, whole conference is professionally done and operations are efficient, speakers are AMAZING. It is absolutely astounding - the moment you step foot on the property, you can feel the spirit of God at work. The entire staff gives full credit and glory to God. I am certainly blessed to be a part of this conference!
I have been several years now and have been encouraged and challenged each time I come. If anyone wants to be confronted with bold Biblical truth and challenged to live that out in the world, I would recommend coming to Answers for Women.
The speakers were exceptional! I have never been to an event where all the speakers were so thorough and provided depth in an easy to understand way!
My daughter (a Gen Z’er) and I attended because of what I recognize to be a constant assault on truth from Christian peers even as she is a freshman at a Christian university. An example is her hall mates openly talk about sex with their boyfriends yet say they are Christian, the toxic views of males, etc. The broad topic of sexuality was covered down the many different veins, yet unified central truth tied back to God's design in Genesis. To hear the same truths from a variety of speakers left a true effect on my daughter of firmer clarity. I came praying for help through the large cast of knowledgeable presenters, to be able to say we are not being judgy, this is sin and here are more ways to state why.
Excellent speakers, great music, well-organized event. The Answers Center was a beautiful facility, well-equipped and comfortable. Anyone attending cannot go away without feeling impacted. This conference was soul-inspiring!
The entire conference and atmosphere was incredible but the scripture rich, intelligent, teaching set it apart from a typical "women's conference."
It is so frustrating to listen to daily news and NO ONE IS DOING ANYTHING! I feel equipped to start conversations. OUR CHURCHES ARE FAILING! As a mother of 6 and grandma of 15, this old gal is not going to let them come after my young!
My teenage daughter and I were so blessed to be at the AIG 2019 Women's Conference. Biblical wisdom was poured into our souls. We learned Biblical answers to questions that have arisen as we have interacted with those in the cultural worldview. I was also so grateful to God that my daughter was front-loaded with a lot of Biblical apologetics for when adults or peers try to indoctrinate her into their worldview.
One woman declared herself to be an atheist and we had a meaningful conversation about the gospel referencing a comment made by Phylicia Masonheimer that "the book of Leviticus is a book of love!" I explained how God's law is perfect but I'm unable to keep it and that Jesus kept the Law perfectly and by trusting in Him He gives me His perfect record of keeping the Law in exchange for my sin. That is true love! She claimed she comes to AIG conferences because she hears things she's never heard before, such as what Phylicia said. I trust the Lord is drawing this woman to Himself! I'm so thankful that the ministry of AIG is holding fast to the Word of God so that both believers and skeptics can hear the Truth!
This is a conference for women young and old. It teaches, it makes you think and I came out a better person with better understanding of some issues and knowing areas I need work in. Great conference, great facility.

Plan to join us at the Answers Center on March 27–28, 2020 for Truth: Uncovering the Lies We Believe with guest speakers Kay Arthur, Costi Hinn, and many more. Register today to take advantage of the early bird pricing.

Keep fighting the good fight of the faith!

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