How to Identify Lies and Speak Truth in Your Heart

by Dr. Georgia Purdom on February 25, 2020

How do we combat with truth, the lies that constantly bombard us? I think many times we get so caught up in learning about the lies that we forget to study the best weapon to combat them―God’s Word! Sarah Mally recently published the book Speak Truth in Your Heart, and it has been a great encouragement to my teenage daughter and me as we seek to know God’s Word better. I met the Mally family many years ago, and we have appreciated the presence of Bright Lights at our women’s conferences for several years. Here’s what Sarah had to say about her upcoming presentation at Answers for Women:

Imagine the following scenario: you walk into your kitchen and see that your white tile floor is covered with muddy footprints. Looking out the window, you see that there is a puddle of mud right outside the kitchen door. You quickly get out the mop and begin to wash the floor until the mud disappears. But a few minutes later, the dog comes running inside and leaves a muddy trail all over the floor again. For the second time, you pick up the mop and start cleaning. Next, your 8-year-old comes running inside and—once again—muddy footprints are everywhere! You are going to be cleaning up mud perpetually—unless you come up with a solution for the problem. The mud outside needs to go. Otherwise, you are going to have a frustrating, recurring mess!

This same thing often happens in our lives: we deal with surface issues rather than with the underlying problems. Then we wonder why we experience the same struggles over and over again. The reality is we will continually be cleaning up “messes” in our lives if we merely try to change our actions, but do not change the thinking and beliefs behind those actions. We must learn to recognize and eliminate lies which we believe.

Satan is crafty and subtle. Deception is his area of expertise! He disguises himself as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). Some of his most perilous lies are his subtle half-truths because they are difficult to detect. Through these lies, he desires to distort our view of God, ourselves, others, circumstances, and so on. It is imperative for us to know our Bibles well and replace lies with the truth. In Jesus’ prayer to His Father in John 17:17, He says, “Your Word is truth.”

Here is just a sampling of lies we are often tempted to believe. Each of these lies will greatly affect our attitudes, actions, and perspectives on life.

  • God isn’t really doing what is best for me.
  • God’s Word cannot be completely trusted.
  • I can’t know for sure if I am actually saved.
  • I am worthless and insignificant.
  • There is no way to get rid of my guilt and shame.
  • I cannot control my emotions.
  • This sin is so small. It doesn’t really make a difference.
  • It is too late for me because of my past mistakes.
  • Staying single would be miserable.
  • There is no hope for my marriage and family.

As we learn to replace the lies we believe with biblical truth, we will see how God’s Word will transform each area of our lives and how the truth sets us free. Of course, the solution isn’t to know all of the possible lies, but rather to know the truth! When we know the truth, we will be able to recognize the multitude of lies that we encounter each day. The Bible alone is our standard. We need to know it—and know it well! If we do not, we will be like a house without a foundation, a tree without roots, an explorer without a compass, a ship without an anchor. Let’s purpose to expand our time in the Bible—reading, studying, memorizing, meditating on, and obeying it.

I am looking forward to Answers for Women 2020, where, together with hundreds of women, we will spend a weekend considering the importance of uncovering the lies we believe. As we replace these lies with the truth of God’s Word, we will be planting our feet on an unshakable foundation that will resist even the most powerful attacks of the enemy.

Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope is the Lord. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river, and will not fear when heat comes; but its leaf will be green, and will not be anxious in the year of drought, nor will cease from yielding fruit (Jeremiah 17:7–8 NKJV).

I know Sarah’s talk will be a challenge to us all to know God’s Word better and to learn to speak its truth to ourselves. It’s the best defense of all!

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