AiG Resources in Uganda

by Ken Ham

It’s always wonderful to host scientists here at the Creation Museum who have the highest credentials and who believe in the ministry of AiG, as we defend the Bible from its very first verse. Dr. Eric Norman (with a PhD in biochemistry) of Cincinnati is considered a world expert on Vitamin B-12 deficiency. He has been a friend of the ministry since we moved to the Cincinnati area almost 18 years ago, and he was kind enough to find a local church engagement for me when we arrived in 1994.

Dr. Norman came to visit us this time not to talk about science, but to speak at our staff chapel last week to share his passion to proclaim the gospel overseas, including countries like Uganda in Africa. As Dr. Norman shared with us Thursday morning, he uses AiG materials in his evangelism and discipleship work in Uganda (where he’s ministered several times over the years). In fact, in this photo, you can see a copy of one of our “New Answers Books” in a bag next to Mr. Stephen Adundo (son of Pastor Alfred Adundo, Pastor of Nile Baptist Church in Jinja, Uganda).

Dr. Norman told us that he and his wife Claudia had “supported Stephen for two years of boarding school in high school and then four years until being graduated from a Christian university in Uganda. He is a very godly, dedicated young man and now is coordinator of the youth programs for about 2,000 Baptist churches in Uganda.”

Dr. Norman added by email later: “I wanted to make sure he was well grounded in the Bible by giving him ‘The New Answers Book’ by Ken Ham.”

Dr. Norman encouraged the AiG staff to sponsor a student (at only $15 a month) to attend school in Uganda. Now, while these students are technically enrolled in public schools, on Saturdays the sponsored children meet at a playground facility where they get Bible training, play games, and receive a nutritious meal (and they get a good lunch Monday–Friday at school, through sponsorships). Thus they receive schooling Monday–Friday and Christian training on Saturday, plus lunches throughout the week. Dr. Norman also shared with us that “the students receive a uniform, books, adequate nutrition, and medical care.”

Dr. Norman added that he has personally “visited the schools. We talked to the headmasters and inspected the records, confirming that the school fees had been paid [out of the sponsorship money].”

To sponsor a student at $15 month, go to, click on “Ministries,” and then see “Uganda”—“Macedonian Children’s Outreach Project—Alfred Adundo.”

Also, here is one of Dr. Norman’s articles as it appears on our website—see “Science Teachers Hear About Creation from a Biochemist.”

Here is a photo of Dr. Norman, his wife Claudia, daughter Laura, and grandson Sean when they were here on Thursday. Sean is sitting on top of our dinosaur model for kids, a photo op just outside the museum’s exhibit halls.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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