Reaching People with the Gospel

by Ken Ham on December 19, 2023
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

As we come to the close of 2023, I look back at how much this culture has degenerated catastrophically from a Christian worldview perspective in just a year! One thinks, “Surely it can’t get worse,” and then it does—sometimes on a daily basis!

And then I get excited as I consider the millions of people Answers in Genesis, the Ark Encounter, and the Creation Museum have impacted for the Lord in the same time frame! It’s amazing what God has allowed AiG to accomplish.

And I get even more excited as I consider the future programs we have in store as part of our end-of-year campaign to help us raise up godly generations (as Martyn Iles says, “more Daniels”) to be able to stand for the Lord and proclaim the truth of his Word and the gospel in this pagan (Babylon-like) culture.

As I consider what is happening in this nation and what Answers in Genesis is doing to be actively involved in the spiritual war raging around us, I think of a verse of Scripture I have referred to over the years.

And your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; you shall be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of streets to dwell in (Isaiah 58:12).

First of all, when I read this verse, it makes me think of Nehemiah. I love the book of Nehemiah as I read about a man who was burdened to repair and rebuild the broken walls of Jerusalem. And regardless of the opposition, he forged ahead to do what God had called him to do.

Secondly, I think of the Answers in Genesis ministry. The words “ancient ruins” remind me that America (and the whole West) had a much more Christianized worldview in the past. But now, looking at our culture and seeing the catastrophic loss of generations from the church, the increasing secularization of people, and Christian institutions and churches closing down, it’s like looking at the ruins of an ancient culture.

The phrase “foundations of many generations” reminds me that we are to do what we can to help generations have the right foundation of God’s Word for their worldview.

Being a “repairer of the breach” reminds me that there has been a breach in the foundation. It’s not only the world that has contributed to this breach by indoctrinating generations against God’s Word by brainwashing them in evolutionary naturalism, but also many church leaders have compromised God’s Word in Genesis, thus undermining the foundation of the authority of God’s Word. All this has contributed to generations being put on a slippery slide of doubt and unbelief in regard to God’s Word.

We want to help repair this breach and raise up generations who will stand like Daniel, Nehemiah, Queen Esther, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, David, Elijah, Noah, and so many more greats God has told us about in his Word.

So, through Answers in Genesis and our two attractions, we are doing all we can to overcome these attacks from the world and from within the church. We want to help repair this breach and raise up generations who will stand like Daniel, Nehemiah, Queen Esther, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, David, Elijah, Noah, and so many more greats God has told us about in his Word.

I often read the accounts of such biblical characters and think, “They were prepared to stand for the Lord in times that were so hostile to those who trusted the true God, so there’s no excuse for us not standing boldly for the Lord in our culture and churches today.”

Even though the American culture has fallen far, we are not as bad as the days of Noah when only eight people boarded Noah’s Ark! We haven’t been threatened with being thrown into a fire or a lion’s den. Or what about Esther? She was such a brave young lady to risk being put to death to do what was right, and she ended up saving God’s chosen people!

I get so dismayed when I see so many churches, Christian organizations, and leaders in Christendom becoming soft on LGBTQ.

LGBT banner on church

What is wrong with these people?! Don’t they fear God? It’s so disheartening to see them wanting to be people pleasers instead of honoring God and his Word.

I think of Peter when he said,

We must obey God rather than men (Acts 5:29)

And I am reminded of what the Apostle Paul stated,

For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ (Galatians 1:10)

Our newest speaker and member of the leadership team, Martyn Iles from Australia, has been presenting a series called “Living in Babylon.” This is also currently a theme for the ministry and why we are asking you to help us raise up “Daniels” who, like the biblical Daniel, will live for God in a pagan culture. It’s so hard for the younger generations of Christians, with all the woke companies, increasing anti-Christian persecution, and compromising churches, to stand today. We want to enable them not only to stand courageously for God but to know how to effectively witness for the Lord Jesus Christ. We want to help them be a shining light in this increasingly dark culture, understanding the light shines even brighter the darker things become.

I encourage you to watch the short video Martyn and I did explaining some of the things we are doing to help equip and raise up Daniels in our culture.

As I’ve explained in earlier letters, for AiG’s end-of-year campaign, we have a great opportunity to fund these incredible ministry projects:

  • Produce curricula to impact Christian schools
  • Upgrade and translate our Bible curriculum into other languages
  • Obtain the technology for a data center to protect the ministry’s many websites, streaming platform, and much more from de-platforming, while also providing a safe place for other like-minded Christian organizations to host their technology sites
  • Build a biblical identity exhibit at the Creation Museum to give positive, biblical teaching to overcome the world’s false teaching on gender, etc.
  • Produce a gospel film to be shown at the Creation Museum along with many new Answers TV programs for young people and children

And we praise the Lord that a foundation has offered us an $8 million matching gift challenge toward our $16 million end-of-year campaign. Every dollar you give toward this end-of-year goal through December 31 will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to $8 million.

You can check the progress of the campaign and give online by going to

These are dark times we live in, and it seems to be getting darker daily. But we need to be doing what we can to do the business of the King until he returns (Luke 19:13).

These are dark times we live in, and it seems to be getting darker daily. But we need to be doing what we can to do the business of the King until he returns (Luke 19:13). So we step out in faith to do more, not less! We don’t lack vision. Look at what God has done through this ministry in only 30 years! Yes, this month is the 30th anniversary of the beginning of the Answers in Genesis ministry in the USA. We’ve been faithful in never wavering from our mission or from our uncompromising stand on God’s Word.

And just as a reminder, this is our Mission Statement:

Answers in Genesis (AiG) exists to proclaim the authority of the Bible—from the very first verse—without compromise by using apologetics in its world-class attractions, dynamic resources, and creative media to communicate the message of God’s Word and the gospel so that believers are equipped to defend the Christian faith and nonbelievers are challenged with the truth of the Bible and its message of salvation.

As we approach the end of the year, I ask you to prayerfully consider sending a generous gift today to help us take full advantage of the incredible end-of-year matching gift opportunity. You may donate online at And remember, your gift of any size to this end-of-year campaign will be matched, dollar-for-dollar, up to $8 million through the end of the year!

Your financial and prayer investment in this ministry has reached many tens of millions of people this year alone! Our research indicates AiG impacts at least 30 million people a year directly and tens of millions more indirectly. But then there is our social media! Recently we saw our 100 millionth view on the Answers in Genesis YouTube channel, not to mention the other YouTube channels we have and our various social media platforms!

I pray this ministry will grow exponentially in impacting souls for Christ with your faithful partnership as we move forward.

In Christ,
Ken Ham

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