God’s Timing

This morning I received in the mail three copies of a booklet version in Russian of my paper critiquing the old-earth views of three leading systematic theology textbooks. They were sent to me by Dr. Sergei Golovin, who head us a creation-apologetics ministry in Ukraine and trains apologists all across the Russian-speaking world. He felt the paper was much needed and so arranged for its translation. His ministry posted it on their web site (http://www.scienceandapologetics.com/pdf/earth.pdf) but also sent for free the booklet version to every Bible college and seminary in the Russian-speaking lands.

In God’s providence, the booklets arrived just before I met this morning a key Romanian pastor who was visiting the museum with some American friends. He helps to lead a ministry in Romania and six other EE countries (Moldova, Czech, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria and Croatia?), which trains churches in how to do effective ministry to children and youth. Having lived under atheistic communism and still in a country that teaches evolution and millions of years as indisputable scientific fact, he really understands the foundational importance of Genesis.

I gave him the booklet to share with his contacts in Moldova, where they have people reaching out to Russian-speaking people. I also pointed him to Sergei’s web site and put him in touch with a Hungarian geneticist who went through our International Training Seminar last March and is helping to organize an Eastern European Creation Conference in August 2011, which this Romanian was very interested in.

So, it will be interesting to see what God does through that little meeting this morning.

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