Abortion Stats vs Coronavirus Stats

by Ken Ham on March 21, 2020
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

My good friend Dr. Terry Mortenson, AiG Speaker & Researcher, sent me some sobering statistics. While any death is a horrible thing in this sin-cursed world, the travesty of abortion makes all other forms of life-taking pale in comparison, and yet it's applauded and legally protected. Here are Terry’s thoughts.

Fox News reports that yesterday (March 20, 2020) in New York City, “The coronavirus killed city residents at a rate of more than one per hour on Friday” (during the day: the total was 14 on Friday). Live Science reported that as of March 20, New York has had the most cases by far and the most deaths (except for Washington state) from coronavirus.

But for context, consider these stats from the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute:

  • “In 2017, 105,380 abortions were provided in New York.” [That’s 288 per day (or 12 per hour) every day for a year.]
  • “In 2017, 862,320 abortions were provided in clinical settings in the United States.” [That’s 2,362 per day (or 98 per hour) every day for a year.]
  • 96% of all abortions are done in clinics, only 3% in hospitals and 1% in doctors’ offices.

And these murder rates or higher have been going on every year for 47 years, killing 61 million babies.

If the government closed all abortion clinics and outlawed all abortions, it would instantly reduce that death rate to almost zero, though sadly, abortion clinics are still operating as usual during the outbreak. A relatively tiny number of doctors, nurses, and office staff would need to find a good job, but in our robust economy, that would not be difficult. And if the government took just a fraction of the billions of dollars they are planning to dole out to Americans because of the virus and gave help to the compassionate pro-life crisis pregnancy centers to lovingly support women facing an unwanted pregnancy, think of the blessing to our country.

God have mercy. May he help us stop this virus and save lives.

But America needs to stop willingly killing its babies, and it needs repentance and spiritual awakening.

The governors of New York and California are taking drastic steps to stop the coronavirus. Yet those two states are the leading proponents of abortion rights up to the time of birth.

God have mercy. May he help us stop this virus and save lives. But America needs to stop willingly killing its babies, and it needs repentance and spiritual awakening. If America stopped the abortions and cried out to God for mercy, he might wipe out the virus supernaturally. In any case, let us continue to pray and work for the end of the abortion holocaust and the end of the abuse of women (and men) who are affected by it.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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