Bypass High Tax and Make a Lasting Impact

A frustrating part of investing and saving can often be a high capital gains tax. However, there are ways for Americans to bypass this high tax and make a lasting impact for eternity.

We will use Peter and Gail as an example. This couple was nearing retirement. Over the years they had wisely made investments and had built a sizeable portfolio. Their investments had increased substantially in value, but their potential capital gains tax bill was also rising. As they looked toward retirement, they wanted to sell their appreciated stock and generate income for their future, all while avoiding paying a high capital gains tax.

Now Peter and Gail had supported Answers in Genesis for many years. They learned that they could make a gift of their stock to us and bypass the high capital gains tax. So they transferred their portfolio to a charitable remainder trust so that the trust could sell the stock tax free. This trust provides them with an income for their retirement years. By making a gift of their stock, Peter and Gail were able to receive an income and bless Answers in Genesis.

By giving to AiG, Peter and Gail partnered with us to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and the message of biblical authority. Because of people like this generous couple, we are able to do what we do and accomplish our God-given mission.


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