What Can You Give?

We are so thankful for our supporters who faithfully give to help us accomplish our mission. These are people who see what is happening in our increasingly secular culture and in the church, and they want to see the authority of God’s Word upheld and declared with boldness. That is our mission at Answers in Genesis, and we couldn’t do it without our faithful supporters.

If you are nearing retirement age, you may be wondering, “I’ve seen what’s happened in our culture, and I want to help spread the message of biblical authority and the gospel ‘for such a time as this,’ but what can I do?” Well, here are two ways our US supporters can help.

  1. Volunteer. Many of our volunteers are retired believers who want to graciously give of their time, talents, and skills. These volunteers come to the Answers in Genesis offices, the Creation Museum, or the Ark Encounter and work alongside our employees to accomplish a variety of projects from exhibit construction to gardening to administrative tasks. Some of them are even snowbirds who travel during the winter in a motorhome and make a stop in Kentucky to lend a hand for a few weeks. We’re so thankful for all our volunteers!
  2. Give your unused retirement assets. Did you know that most people don’t use all their retirement assets during their lifetime and that 60-70% of what is left to heirs is heavily taxed? One way to avoid this tax is to make Answers in Genesis a beneficiary in your will, or as a designated beneficiary of your qualified retirement plan or life insurance policy—instead of being taxed, your estate will get a tax deduction! This is a great option if you’d like to see the full value of your unused IRA, 401(k), 403(b), pension, or other tax-deferred plan received and used, or a portion of your estate used to further the gospel and uphold the authority of the Bible.

You can learn more about volunteering at AnswersinGenesis.org/donate/volunteer and more about planned giving at GenesisGift.org.


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