Frequently Asked Questions

How do I become a volunteer?

  1. What specific qualifications or experience do I need?

    None. Nearly anyone can volunteer. However, please let us know if you have particular skills or experience that may be helpful.

  2. Is there a minimum age requirement to volunteer?

    Yes. Please see our Youth Volunteer Policy. To use powered tools or equipment, volunteers must be at least 18.

  3. Must I agree with the Answers in Genesis Statement of Faith to be a volunteer?

    Yes. To participate in the volunteer programs, agreement with the Answers in Genesis Statement of Faith is required.

  4. Is Answers in Genesis associated with any church or denomination?

    No. Answers in Genesis is a non-denominational parachurch ministry. This position is reflected in every outreach of AiG: the Creation Museum, Ark Encounter, seminars, radio, publishing, etc.

  5. Is a background check required?

    Yes. For the protection of visitors, volunteers, and staff, all volunteer applicants 18 years of age and older must voluntarily authorize a background check. We will cover the cost of the background check, regardless of the outcome; however, we ask that all volunteer applicants advise us in advance of any reason(s) a failed result might be anticipated.

    For volunteers under the age of 18, parents or legal guardian must submit to a background check. AiG will cover the cost of the background check.

  6. Is medical insurance required?

    No. If you have such coverage, indicate your medical insurance company information on your application. Should you experience a personal medical emergency, we can provide that information to your emergency contact or to medical personnel.

  7. Our church group is considering a mission trip to assist Answers in Genesis. Can groups serve as short-term mission volunteers?

    Yes, depending on a number of factors. Please contact us, and we will be happy to discuss the possibilities.

  8. Are volunteers expected to adhere to a Dress Code?

    Volunteers represent the Creation Museum, Ark Encounter and Answers in Genesis (AiG), and are expected to comply with the same dress standards as Creation Museum, Ark Encounter and AiG staff. Here are a few general appearance guidelines:

    • Clothing should be neat, clean, and modest.
    • Except for Creation Museum/Ark Encounter/AiG logos or approved messages, clothing with pictures, symbols, and/or wording should not be worn.
    • Extreme or attention-getting hairstyles, grooming, and accessories are not appropriate.

    Volunteers may also be required to comply with basic safety or health standards.

  9. Are uniforms provided?

    • A volunteer lanyard will be provided for every volunteer to wear onsite.
    • Additional uniform pieces will be provided for volunteers serving in certain museum operations positions.
  10. What benefits are available to volunteers?

    Benefits for active volunteers while serving include:

    • Free individual admission to the Creation Museum or Ark Encounter, depending on the serving location
    • Regular employee discounts for AiG food and retail items
    • Opportunities to participate in special social and educational activities
    • Christian fellowship and the joy of serving the Lord through serving others
  11. I’d like for volunteering to be part of my career development plan. Can you help?

    Yes. Employers see a history of volunteer service as a positive asset. Our system will make it easy to thoroughly document your service for current or prospective employers. Through volunteering, you can refresh, update, or enhance marketable skills. Also, you might wish to try out new experiences if you are contemplating a career transition.

  12. Do you provide accommodations for volunteers visiting from outside the local area?

    We do not provide offsite or onsite accommodations.

  13. Do you provide transportation to/from the museum?

    Volunteers must provide their own transportation.

  14. Are reimbursements for fuel or other expenses provided?

    No. However, certain out-of-pocket expenses incurred as a volunteer may be tax deductible. Please consult your tax advisor for specific tax advice.

  15. Is the time I give as an AiG/Creation Museum volunteer tax deductible?

    You cannot deduct the value of volunteered time or services; however, the IRS will generally allow you to deduct out-of-pocket expenses incurred as a volunteer, such as travel costs.

    Disclaimer: Please consult your tax advisor for specific tax advice.

  16. Can I still be a volunteer if I do not have a computer or Internet access?

    Yes. You will be able to coordinate and plan by telephone, during business hours.

Additional questions about volunteering?

Contact our volunteer coordinators.
Phone: 888-582-4253


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