3 Connections Between Adam and the Age of the Earth

by Dr. Terry Mortenson on January 1, 2023
Featured in Answers Magazine

Christians who believe in the literal historical existence and fall of Adam should also believe that God created everything in six literal days about 6,000 years ago.

Here are three ways a literal Adam and the age of the earth are irrevocably connected.

  1. Adam was made on the sixth day of history.

    Genesis 1 clearly teaches that the days of creation were literal, 24-hour days by the repeated use of “evening” and “morning” and the numbering of the days. God confirms this meaning in Exodus 20:8–11.

    God commanded Adam and Eve to rule over all the animals (Genesis 1:26). But according to evolutionists, most of those animals lived and died—and many kinds became extinct—millions of years before man could rule over them. This command only makes sense if all the animals were created on a literal day or a few hours before Adam only a few thousand years ago.

    Genesis 5:5 says that all the “days of Adam were 930 years.” Those days and years must be the same length as all the other days and years in Genesis 5 and 11 and in our lives. There is strong biblical and scientific evidence that those genealogies have no time gaps, so creation happened only about 6,000 years ago.

  2. God cursed the whole creation because of Adam’s sin.

    God created an original “very good” creation where Adam and Eve and all animals were vegetarian (Genesis 1:28–31). In Genesis 3, the consequences of Adam’s sin were not simply alienation from God (3:8). God’s curse of the serpent was a physical judgment, but other animals were also cursed (3:14). Eve was judged with increased pain in childbirth (3:16). Adam and Eve began to die physically and would one day return to the literal dust (3:19). The ground was cursed and subsequently produced thorns and thistles (3:17–18). As a result of the fall, the whole creation is now in bondage to corruption and futility, waiting to be liberated (Romans 8:19–25) when Jesus comes to remove the curse (Revelation 22:3).

    But all this truth must be ignored or rejected if there were millions of years of animal death, disease, extinction, and other natural evils such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and asteroid impacts before Adam.

  3. Jesus and Paul affirmed a literal Adam and a young earth.

    In Mark 10:6, Jesus answered a question about divorce by taking the Pharisees back to Genesis 1 and 2. He affirmed that God created humans male and female “from the beginning of creation.” Likewise, Paul took the early chapters of Genesis as literal history and affirmed that people have seen the evidence of God’s existence “since the creation of the world” (Romans 1:20)—not billions of years after the creation.

Dr. Terry Mortenson is a well-known speaker and writer for Answers in Genesis–USA. He earned his PhD in the history of geology from Coventry University in England, and he worked for Campus Crusade for Christ for 26 years. He also received his MDiv from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Chicago.

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