Preparing Homeschoolers for College: Creation College Expo

by Heather Jenkins on June 7, 2023

When we first started our homeschool journey, the thought of college seemed so far away. However, as I prepare for my oldest to graduate next year, that reality is very real and very close. After educating both of our children in a Christian home where my husband and I have modeled and taught them from a biblical worldview, we pray that our children will continue to develop their relationships with God and view the world through the lens of God’s Word long after they leave our home.

The reality of life after homeschooling can be difficult and uncomfortable to navigate, especially when searching for a college that stands firm on the inerrant Word of God. So many colleges today are rooted in a secular worldview that rejects and often openly mocks God and his Word. We even find Christian colleges that compromise on biblical authority issues such as a literal six-day creation, the age of the universe and earth, and the historicity of a global flood. Thankfully, the Creation College Expo provides a solution for homeschooling families preparing for college.

Every fall, Answers in Genesis hosts many of the country’s leading Christian colleges and universities at the Ark Encounter. This year’s event will take place November 2–4, 2023, and registration is now open! During this free event, students in grades 7–12 and their parents can visit with representatives from these institutions that hold to biblical authority and young-earth creation. Students and parents can ask questions and get information about different programs of study, admission requirements, campus activities, etc.

I had the opportunity to attend this event last year with my daughter. It was a great opportunity for her to see all the choices in colleges and start thinking about possible majors she might want to pursue, occupations she could explore, and opportunities like mission trips, performing arts groups, and ministry-related internships where she could glorify God through her studies and campus activities. As a parent, it was reassuring to see so many institutions available that uphold the same biblical worldview as our family. It gave me hope that my children could find a place in the post-homeschooling world that would support and encourage their biblical worldview while they study. If you’re a homeschooling family and haven’t already done so, consider making a trip to the Creation College Expo at least once before graduation—it’s definitely worth it!


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