Tips for Selecting Homeschool Curriculum

by Laura Elizabeth Fabrizio on August 9, 2023

No matter how many years you’ve been homeschooling, selecting a homeschool curriculum can be a daunting task. There are so many publishers and options to choose from, and the number keeps growing.

Not too long ago, when a fellow homeschool mom told me about a great science curriculum she’d found, I was eager to pursue the recommendation. I found that the publisher produces an impressive inventory of teacher and student resources and has been operating for numerous years. But even though the curriculum claimed to be biblically based, I couldn’t find any direct reference to the age of the earth on the publisher’s website, so I decided to email them. I was astounded when their reply said they didn’t draw any hard lines as to the earth’s age because it wasn’t important! That experience, along with 14 years of homeschooling and wading through many curriculum choices, has taught me three important lessons about selecting a homeschool curriculum.

  • First, do your research. Talking with other homeschool parents is a good start to get helpful insight into the advantages of materials they’re using or ones that perhaps fall short of expectations. Examining the websites of publishers can provide cursory information about their products, often including samples of curricula that you can peruse. You can also attend homeschool conferences where many curriculum developers often showcase their products and are willing to answer questions about them. A few valuable questions to consider as you look at any potential curricular choices are: 1) Is God’s Word held as authoritative in every subject area, including science and history? 2) Does the curriculum affirm the truth of biblical creation occurring about 6,000 years ago over the course of six literal, 24-hour days? 3) Are all subjects taught from a biblical worldview, using the Bible as a starting point from which to build the student’s understanding?

    Make sure the materials use God’s Word as the lens through which the world is examined.

    Although advertisements for Christian curricula are often filled with buzzwords like “Christ-centered” and “biblical worldview,” it’s important to make sure the materials use God’s Word as the lens through which the world is examined. Upon taking a closer look, you may find that the materials you are considering approach topics from a secular worldview and try to sprinkle in “Christian lingo” or Bible verses. For example, in a high school biology textbook that was supposed to be written from a biblical worldview, I found a discussion of the earth’s rock layers that concluded we really don’t know whether the layers were formed by a catastrophe because the data is inconclusive. When we begin with God’s Word, we know that the observable evidence of the geological column reflects the global flood recorded in Genesis. Without a careful examination of this curricular material, I could have unintentionally presented information to my children that contradicted a biblical worldview.

  • Second, evaluate your teaching style and consider how your children learn best. Some children thrive with the inclusion of hands-on activities and movement, visuals, or art and music. Beware of pigeonholing your children into just one type of learning style or preference, since most students will benefit from a variety of learning opportunities. You may want to look for a curriculum that contains different types of learning experiences using a range of materials and activities that engage a child’s senses, such as hands-on manipulatives, visuals, and movement games. Our children’s learning experience is enhanced when we provide them with a variety of ways to absorb and interact with material.

  • Third, realistically evaluate the amount of time you have each day to teach your children. Be sure to consider your state’s homeschooling requirements and the demands that reporting tasks will place on your time. When I began searching for a homeschool curriculum, I planned to do all the teaching myself. Through prayer and reflection, however, the Lord led me to select a curriculum which allows our kids to work more independently. This turned out to be a tremendous blessing when I suddenly became my father’s primary caregiver.

Ask the Lord to lead you.

Whether you’re looking for a homeschool curriculum for the first time or are already on your homeschooling journey, remember to pray. Ask the Lord to lead you to the right materials and rely on him to guide you throughout your homeschooling journey. I began homeschooling my oldest son, who’s preparing to start college this year, when he was a preschooler. Looking back, I couldn’t have successfully made this journey without God’s abundant grace. Homeschooling is a blessing beyond measure, despite the hard work. It brings us joy and satisfaction to know we’re educating our children in the light of his Word.


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