Homeschool Science Curriculum

Choosing a homeschool science curriculum written from a biblical worldview can be difficult. The majority of science curricula are developed from an evolutionary viewpoint and are contradictory to the historical record provided in the Bible. Sadly, much of the Christian curriculum on the market is compromised with naturalistic ideas.

It is imperative that children study science from a biblical worldview.

Many parents may ask, “Why does it matter?” The answer is . . . because worldview matters! The word science means knowledge, and the Bible tells us that God is knowledge (Psalm 139:1–6); God has infinite knowledge (Psalm 147:5); and God’s knowledge is perfect (Job 37:16). Since the Bible is the spoken Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16), it is imperative that children study science from a biblical worldview. And though the Bible is not a science textbook, it provides the historical biblical framework upon which children should begin their study of science. That’s why Answers in Genesis created our outstanding homeschool science curriculum.

Why Answers in Genesis’ Homeschool Science Curriculum Is Different

Answers in Genesis homeschool science curriculum stands apart from other publishers by presenting the study of science with God’s Word as the starting point. Each science discipline is uniquely focused to teach kids that science confirms the Bible 100% and that we can trust God’s Word from the very first verse. From the study of living things to ecology, astronomy, and human anatomy, you can be confident that your children will build a solid scientific foundation upon which to build their understanding of God’s creation.

God’s Design for Science (Grades 3–8)

God’s Design science curriculum is written to be used with multiple age levels and is available in four themes: Life, Chemistry & Ecology, Physical World, and Heaven & Earth. Each theme is equipped with a teacher’s guide, answers key, worksheets, and assessments. Within the text are topic-specific science projects and experiments that are designed to be completed in a homeschool setting using household items. This unique four-year homeschool science curriculum will present engaging science through a biblical lens.

God’s Design for Life

God’s Design for Life

God’s Design for Life includes three units on Plants (botany), Human Body (anatomy), and Animals (zoology).

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God’s Design for Chemistry and Ecology

God’s Design for Chemistry & Ecology

God’s Design for Chemistry and Ecology includes three units on Ecosystems, Atoms and Molecules, and Properties of Matter.

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God’s Design for the Physical World

God’s Design for the Physical World

God’s Design for the Physical World includes three units on Machines in Motion, Heat and Energy, Inventions and Technology.

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God’s Design for Heaven and Earth

God’s Design for Heaven & Earth

God’s Design for Heaven and Earth includes three unites on Our Weather and Water, Our Planet Earth, and Our Universe (astronomy).

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God’s Design for Science Complete Set

God’s Design for Science Complete Set

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Wonders of the Human Body Series (Grades 9–12)

The Wonders of the Human Body Series is an exploration of the awe-inspiring creation that is the human body. Nothing else in the universe is quite like it! Your body is delicate yet powerful, incredibly complex but at times amazingly simple.

Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology 1: Curriculum Set

Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology 1: Curriculum Set

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Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology 2: Curriculum Set

Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology 2: Curriculum Set

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Intro to Forensic Science (Grades 11–12)

Study the requirements for becoming a forensic science expert, learn about the details of a forensic investigation, and discover the extensive training needed by forensic science experts. This 36-week study begins with an overview of forensic science, moving from initial investigations to court proceedings, while focusing on God's Word and how it can be applied to this field of study. In every lesson, applicable Scripture is woven throughout the text, along with practical labs, and review materials. Case studies are included to raise the student’s awareness of some of the most famous crimes in history, both solved and unsolved, while examining real investigative practices, time frames, and judicial results. Because of the sensitive nature of the case studies, this course is recommended to 11th and 12th grade students.

Intro to Forensic Science: Curriculum Set

Intro to Forensic Science: Curriculum Set

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"…The books in this series all reflect a Christian worldview, including a young-earth view of creation. …Hands-on experiments and activities are built into every lesson. …The activities and experiments include step-by-step instructions and are designed to teach (the) scientific method as children observe, record information, discuss, and form conclusions. …Textbooks are printed in full-color with numerous, high-quality illustrations and excellent graphics. (Answers in Genesis) has also made good use of color to highlight different portions of the lesson, making it easy to spot sections to be used with different students. These features make this series a practical choice for Christian homeschooling families as well as for classroom teachers in Christian schools. …I like this combination of information with experiments and activities, plus questions to ensure understanding. The variety of activities effectively reaches children with different learning styles."

—Cathy Duffy, widely respected curriculum specialist

"Thank you also for this curriculum. My children (8 altogether, 5 in school) enjoy studying together, although they are not the same ages. I have looked for and tried other programs to give them the opportunity to do that, but God's Design has been the one program that has made it possible for me without the frustration of breaking down the material for myself . I can appreciate the time you all put in to do that for me. I appreciate the challenge you present to my children to grow and learn by making them think and search out information for themselves. Thank you for giving us science with God in mind."

—Cynthia G., USA

"This is the second year I have used your ‘God’s Design for ...’ Science curriculum. While I liked the older black and white books, the new colorful books with cd supplement are WONDERFUL. I use them for my 5th, 6th, and 7th graders and they like them better than any other Science text that we have used."

"Thank you for providing a Science program with a Biblical worldview that is homeschooler friendly."

—D.J., USA

"I just wanted you to know I am so thrilled with the new edition of your God’s Design curriculum. My children and I are using your “physical world” set. We all love how God is the author of all this and He is so weaved into all of the pages!!! I so appreciate the color pages—the new layout for younger children and older children. I love the supplement CD that comes with it. We enjoy doing the experiments—they are very doable and friendly. I have used other science programs in the past—this is my first year to use AIG’s science. I feel like a kid in a candy store. I am enjoying the time we have together to do our science lessons. I just told my husband, “I love science this year.” I know it is because I am using your program now. It is very easy to understand and user friendly. Thank you for working so much to update this. Who knew I could love learning about and teaching about the physical world!!! GREAT JOB on this curriculum—keep it coming!!!"

—K.G., Ohio, USA

"We have the ‘God's Design for Science’ series and love it! We used it this past year for our K and 7th graders and will be using them again next year for K, 1st and 8th. LOVE that they are so versatile and have different levels of learning so that you can get one set that lasts from K-8th grades. There are many opportunities to take lessons and do a unit study or spend extra time on a topic that especially interests your children (or you!) as well. Highly recommend them. "

—Katie S., via Facebook


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