Without God, Math Doesn’t Make Sense

by Dr. Dana Sneed on March 14, 2021

Most people believe math to be a non-biased subject. There is no interpretation of evidence or analyzation of literary devices. It doesn’t matter what your worldview is: 2 + 2 = 4. But if we treat math merely as a tool, we miss an incredible opportunity to honor the Creator. If the universe were the result of chance, random processes, why would we expect there to be order and consistency? It is due to the unchanging nature of our eternal Creator that we can understand the predictable nature of our universe.

Math is predictable because our God, who upholds the universe, is consistent—he does not change.

Math is predictable because our God, who upholds the universe (Hebrews 1:3), is consistent—he does not change (Malachi 3:6). In fact, we see the foundation of math in Genesis 1, when God counted the days of creation and marked the beginning of time. The concept of infinity or even irrational numbers (that have decimal places that continue on into infinity) remind us that God is beyond measure (Psalm 147:5); infinity can only exist because God is infinite. Math, like operational science, depends on the uniformity of universal laws and the certainty of absolute truths, which depend on the God of truth (Isaiah 65:16).

A strong math curriculum will guide students to think about mathematical concepts in terms of real life. If I’m allowed to eat half of the pizza, how many slices can I have? If I give each of my three friends two crayons from my box of eight, how many do I still have? How long will it take me to fill my pool with water? Word problems are great for communicating concepts and demonstrating how we use math in our every-day lives. But any time we are dealing with real world examples, we must be diligent to consider what messages are being sent to our children.

The truth is that no curricula is without bias. Before the material was assembled, the writer had a purpose in mind. No matter the subject, the writer approached the content with a worldview that influences his or her understanding of the topic. Without a correct view of the Creator God described in the Bible, the writer cannot adequately explain why math exists or why we can trust it is true. But when we start with the Bible, we can make sense of the most foundational concepts of mathematics.

Looking to Teach or Learn?

If you are thinking about selecting a homeschool math curriculum, consider the opportunity you have to show your student how God’s Word is foundational to every aspect of life—or to learn (or even relearn) math yourself in light of the One who created it. Rather than reinforce the idea that math is merely a tool, inspire your child to celebrate our Creator by discovering how math reflects the nature and character of God.

Math Lessons for a Living Education features a Charlotte Mason-flavored blend of stories, copy work, oral narration, and hands-on experience to bring concepts to life and invite the student to explore the world around them through math. Principles of Mathematics goes way beyond old-style Christian texts that teach math with a few Scriptures sprinkled in. This course truly transforms the way students see math! Find out more about these two multi-level curricula at AnswersBookstore.com.


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