Creation Museum Showcased on FOX News Channel—Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

One of the lengthy segments of the FOX Christmas special entitled “Miracles: Facts, Fiction & Faith” will showcase the Creation Museum.

We see it as something of a Christmas “stocking stuffer” for the AiG staff and supporters who built the new Creation Museum: the featuring of the high-tech museum on the FOX News Channel television network in America this Monday and Tuesday (Christmas Day).

One of the lengthy segments of the FOX Christmas special entitled “Miracles: Facts, Fictions & Faith” will showcase the Creation Museum. We have every reason to believe that the museum (and the creation movement as a whole) will be portrayed in a fair and balanced way. “Miracles,” according to correspondent Lauren Green (who spent several hours at the Creation Museum), takes viewers “from the creation of the world to the healing power of prayer . . . on a search for the truth.”

The producers have informed us that the Creation Museum features prominently in the first two blocks of the TV special. The program begins with the event of creation and eventually discusses the miracle of Noah’s Ark and Noah’s Flood. Interviews are conducted with AiG President Ken Ham, Dr. Jason Lisle (AiG astrophysicist), and Dr. Georgia Purdom (a biologist with AiG). Overall, the special is a mix of warm-hearted holiday stories with investigative, historical research (e.g., the Star of Bethlehem, Fatima, etc.). The visuals from the Creation Museum, producers tell us, turned out to be stunning; a FOX crew spent about nine hours at the museum.

This coverage comes on the heels of additional recent national publicity for the museum: TIME magazine (on newsstands now), which lists the opening of the Creation Museum as one of the top ten religion stories of 2007, and, in a completely different designation, the museum was listed as one of the “20 Dumbest People, Events, and Things of 2007” in the just-released satirical magazine MAD (with our museum staff being described as “imbeciles”).

The FOX special will air on Christmas Eve (Monday) at 1 p.m. and Christmas Day at 3 p.m. (eastern times) on the FOX News Channel (not the FOX network). Check your local television listings (e.g., to verify the broadcast times in your area—note that times can change with little or no notice. If you’re with family on Monday and Tuesday for Christmas, and they don’t know much about AiG’s new evangelistic museum near Cincinnati, have them watch the first 12 minutes of the program with you.


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