Web Visitor Properly Discerns ‘Evolution-Slanted News Stories’ Thanks to AiG

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You have done so much to give me principles by which I can evaluate the constant barrage of evolution-slanted news stories. Thanks!

I am a long-time reader and recent supporter of AIG. I wanted to thank you for all the hard work that you do to educate believers and equip them to defend the faith.

I just read your article about the German ‘superbaby’. When I initially saw the report on the news, I turned to my wife and said that you could bet that the mutation was the result of a decrease in information … something that works in the normal population which was switched off in this child. After a few minutes of searching on the Internet, I was able to confirm this.

You have done so much to give me principles by which I can evaluate the constant barrage of evolution-slanted news stories. Thanks!

– Michael Turner, USA


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