A God of Suffering?

Our Conversation with Tim Chaffey

on January 1, 2021
Featured in Answers Magazine
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Answers in Genesis offers hundreds of resources that give biblical answers to apologetics questions. In his presentation A God of Suffering?, AiG speaker Dr. Tommy Mitchell addressed the frequently asked question, “Why would a loving God allow death and suffering?” The presentation is available to purchase on DVD or stream on Answers TV.

Before his passing in 2019, Dr. Mitchell shared the truth of Genesis and the gospel as an AiG speaker for over 15 years. We chatted with his friend and AiG colleague Tim Chaffey about Tim’s own battle with cancer and how we can know the truth and have hope in the midst of suffering.

Why do innocent people and animals have to face the consequences of Adam and Eve’s sin?

The Bible tells us that Adam and Eve were given dominion over the earth and its creatures (Genesis 1:26–28). When they rebelled against our Creator, the world was essentially sentenced to death. All their descendants and everything they had authority over (earth and its creatures) were doomed to suffer the consequences of that rebellion—corruption, physical death, and a severed relationship with the Creator. We long to dwell with our Creator in the new heavens and new earth where there will be no more sorrow, tears, or death. I believe we must be careful to recognize that a person’s eternal destiny is not determined by Adam’s sin. We die physically and are corrupt because of Adam’s sin, but the “second death” (eternal judgment in the lake of fire) is the consequence of a person’s own sin if they reject the gospel (Revelation 20:12–13.)

Are sickness, sorrow, and suffering God’s chastisement for our sin?

Yes and no. Romans 5:12 says, “Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned.” In one sense, the fact that we are sinners living in a sin-cursed world means that we will endure some of the temporal consequences of that sin. They are a sad part of living in this sin-cursed world where good things and bad things happen to good people and bad people (Matthew 5:45).

There are times when we experience sorrow or suffering because of sins we commit. But we should not assume that every sickness or suffering is due to a particular sin we committed or to a lack of faith. Although “health and wealth” teaching has invaded the church, it is directly opposed to biblical teaching. Hebrews 11:36–40 describes some faithful saints who suffered tremendously, including facing martyrdom. Biblical heroes like Paul and Job suffered greatly, yet they were very godly men. In John 9, the disciples asked Jesus why a man was born blind. They wondered if it was because of his sin or the sin of his parents. Jesus said the man’s blindness was not due to either of those reasons, but he also proclaimed that God’s work would be revealed in the man, referring to the fact that Jesus would soon heal him.

What did you learn about God’s purpose for suffering during your battle with cancer?

Thanks to my training in biblical and theological studies and the teachings of ministries like Answers in Genesis, I already had the head knowledge of God’s purpose for allowing death and suffering in this world. But going through a cancer battle allowed me to witness firsthand the Lord’s peace and provision, and he has given me numerous opportunities to minister to others in ways that I never would have been able to without enduring that trial. My own battle with leukemia and the insights I gained on death and suffering are discussed in my book God and Cancer. Dr. Tommy Mitchell wrote a chapter discussing his perspective on cancer as a medical doctor and Bible-believing Christian.

How did you find comfort and trust God through your experience?

What hope and comfort can we find in this sin-cursed and broken world? As believers in Jesus Christ, we are blessed with the opportunity to enjoy the fellowship of godly believers who can comfort us during tough times. But the greatest promise is found in the gospel of Jesus Christ. I had no doubts that I would be with the Lord if I did not survive my battle. This knowledge helped me tremendously when I was in dire shape. Christ’s sacrificial death and resurrection secure salvation for all who believe in him, and someday he will put an end to pain and suffering, just as he promised (Revelation 21:3–4). But he is also patient. He is waiting for more people to believe in the gospel and receive eternal life (2 Peter 3:9).

Another great source of comfort came from knowing that God created a perfect world and that death, suffering, and cancer are intrusions into this world caused by our sin. This means that I could not blame God for the terrible things in this world. We are to blame.

How can we best respond when someone asks us, “How could a loving God . . . ?”

I believe we must help the person have a biblical perspective of humanity’s sinfulness and God’s perfect and loving character. When we understand that terrible things ultimately happen because of our sin, perhaps we should ask, “Why would the God of all creation die on a cross for his enemies—those who have rebelled against him?” The gospel is the ultimate message of love. Romans 5:8–10 tells us that God demonstrated his love for us in that while we were still sinners—his enemies—the Son of God died for us. He endured the judgment we deserve, so that those who believe in him will be forgiven and enjoy eternal life with him. Jesus said the greatest love a person can show is to lay down his life for his friends (John 15:13). Jesus did that and more. He suffered and died for his friends and enemies, so he can sympathize with those who suffer (Hebrews 4:15). We do not deserve his grace and forgiveness, but he offers them freely to all who believe in him.

Tim Chaffey holds a master of divinity degree specializing in apologetics and theology and a ThM in church history and theology from Liberty University School of Divinity. He is content manager for Answers in Genesis’ attractions division.

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